"Cincinnati .....Where It All Began"
June 28, 1985
Timberwolf Ampitheater, Kings Island
Cincinnati, Ohio
Sleepless Knights Tour
Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers
It was a balmy summer evening, and Jimmy commented on all those crazy folks in the crowd wearing Hawaiian shirts and parrot hats and who keep coming back to every show. "Just like DeadHeads," Timothy B. Schmidt (who also played bass for the Eagles between stints with the Coral Reefer Band) replied "yeah, Parrot Heads!" and the rest is history.
Several members of our club were part of that notorious audience at that historic show!
Jimmy on Whoopi Goldberg's Show, December, 1992
Jimmy on The Arsenio Hall Show, June, 1990
Jimmy's interview on Radio Margaritaville, before Cincinnati show in Aug 22, 2005
When Jimmy is asked about the origin of the name Parrot Head, this is his story and he's sticking to it.
Thanks to Conched, and Buffetnews for this copy of the old article in the Coconut Telegraph, documenting the Event in Jimmy's own words
A CPHC History Lesson
Our Story "Pre You"
Pam was living in Richmond Va. working and raising her daughter. She was an active member of the Richmond PHC. Cheryl, was living here in Cincinnati, married, working, and a member of the Virtual PHC.
In the year 2000 .... Pam married Cincinnatian, Steve Inglish, and with her daughter, Relocated to Cincinnati - leaving all of her PHriends, and family back in Virginia. Prior to moving here, Pam did a search and found that there was no local PHC in Cincinnati. (A Cincinnati club had existed, and been disbanded years before.) Meanwhile, Cheryl was here wishing there was a local club. Both Pam and Cheryl, (independently) decided to get information about how to start a local PHC. Next step, fate, and Peter Mayer, played a hand. Cheryl and Pam(once again indepently) made a Road trip to Columbus, Ohio for a March 30, Peter Mayer Concert, at the Firehouse. They met, of all places, in the Restroom at that concert.. Started talking, and the club was born 2 months later. ( WOW! something good can come out of the long line in the ladies room.)
The first meeting in May of 2001, was held at By Golly?s - a small, local Milford, Ohio Club. Because Jimmy was on the Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Tour. The meetings were scheduled on Tuesday Night. Attending the first meeting, were 6 people. Pam ,Cheryl, Brenda, Maryann, Clint and Wade Ballard, a member of an upstate PHC in South Carolina, who had seen info about the meeting on COBO (Church of Buffett Orthodox) and happened to be working in Cincinnati that week.
The first club officers were: Pam Inglish- President Clint Coldwell - Vice President Cheryl Wilson - Treasurer Maryann Gerrein - Secretary
? The Cincy Parrot Head Club, was chartered with Parrot Heads in Paradise, July, 2001. After holding a few more meetings in Milford, The meetings moved to the Highlands Lounge, at the Norwood Quality Inn, taking over an area of their restaurant. Meetings were held there for about a year, when they closed to renovate, the meetings were moved to the Ohio river, to The Covington entertainment complex. In Time, it moved again, this time to Burbanks restaurant, in Sharonville. During this time, Cheryl became active in Parrot Heads in Paradise (PHIP) convention committees, and her involvement in the Virtual Parrot Head Club increased, leading to her being elected president of the Virtual PHC. Her active participation in the Cincinnati Club lessened. In 2003, we officially changed the name from Cincy PHC, to our Current Cincinnati Parrot Head Club. as the club grew we outgrew Burbanks, and found our current home.